The Supporting People with Cancer Project is a patient and consumer centred education initiative aimed at helping melanoma and skin cancer patients living in regional and rural Australia.
The initiative included a consumer survey to investigate knowledge gaps, attitudes and behaviours towards melanoma diagnosis and treatment amongst regional and rural Australians. The project also aimed to understand how access to skin cancer support could be improved, and to build a network of patient advocates.
The outcomes of the consumer survey have informed the development and delivery of evidence-based education resources targeted at melanoma and skin cancer patients living in regional and rural areas. Visit the Self-Skin Checks, No Regrets webpage to access these resources.
Melanoma and Skin Cancer Trials coordinated the project, and the resulting Self-Skin Checks, No Regrets education campaign was developed in consultation with an expert Steering Committee and in partnership with Melanoma Patients Australia. Funding for the project was provided by Cancer Australia.