Congratulations to Dr. Malaka Ameratunga and the team at Alfred Hospital on the activation of the BETTER trial!
The BETTER trial, sponsored by Monash is testing a new treatment combination for melanoma that has spread to the brain, with the goal of improving outcomes for patients facing a poor prognosis and life expectancy. The trial will evaluate the safety and efficacy of the treatment combination, potentially offering new hope for those with advanced melanoma.
“Melanoma brain metastasis is so severe and complex that many patients are unable to participate in clinical trials, resulting in limited treatment options,” Dr Ameratunga said.
“This is the first time anyone has investigated a combined treatment of immunotherapy drugs nivolumab and ipilimumab with bevacizumab and targeted radiotherapy. If participants respond well, we are hoping to expand the trial to more sites, with more participants, so we can gather more data and change how we treat this deadly disease,” Dr Ameratunga added.
The BETTER trial has been made possible thanks to a generous $210,000 donation from the Australian Skin Cancer Foundation.
“Melanoma research is an incredibly emotional but exciting space and Australia is lucky to be at the forefront, thanks to our fantastic researchers and organisations like Melanoma and Skin Cancer Trials, who are behind the BETTER trial,” Mr Jay Allen OAM, Australian Skin Cancer Foundation CEO, said.
We are excited about the potential impact of this research and look forward to opening Westmead Hospital as the second site.